Greenlife Gardens

Spring Cleaning – for the outdoors

Your yard and landscape need spring cleaning just like your home.  It involves removing debris, fertilizing, mulching, along with cutting and trimming of plants.  Fall can also be a great time to clean up your yard and put it to rest for the winter, so it is hard to know what to do when.

Here are some general rules to work with.

  1. Spring blooming shrubs often set blooms in the fall so the best time to shape them is right after they are done blooming and once more if needed.
  2. Summer and fall blooming shrubs are better to be pruned in the spring.
  3. Most perennials here can be cut back in the fall. This helps them go into dormancy for the winter. Some perennials are slightly tender so it helps to leave the dead foliage until spring for added insulation.
  4. Roses and hydrangea can be tricky and are best left until spring once new growth begins. In fact any added insulation you can provide your roses or hydrangea until spring is best.

When in doubt call Greenlife Gardens, or your local garden maintenance company for help.g

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw