Greenlife Gardens

BEE Careful

There have been concerns from those that are allergic or have a family member or pet that is allergic to bee stings about the flowering plants we install – particularly near a home entrance.  These clients, knowing bees are life threatening, ask if there are any flowers that bees are NOT attracted to.  The answer is, Not Really.

Bees are one of our biggest pollinators for a wide variety of flowering plants. There are however flowers that are less likely to attract bees. Choose plants with less scent and red tones as they CAN NOT see red. Beyond that, the most desired flowers to a bee are tubular shaped or flat/open centers for the bee to easily retrieve the nectar.  Keep in mind, most bees will not sting unless they are provoked.  They are more protective of their hive and honey, then they are of getting nectar from a flower.  Bees communicate by pheromones that are released when they get excited, or even killed.  Leave the bees alone to the flowers and there should not be any problems.g

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw