Category: General

The Law of Zones

There are cold hardy zones set forth across the United States to help gardeners determine what plants can survive as perennials in their area.  Here in Eastern Nebraska we are considered zone 5.  Any zone with a higher number is a warmer climate and lower colder climate for the winter months.  Plants have been categorized according to those zones, identifying …

Tree care

Evergreens can incur severe damage over the winter simply because they hold on to their needles.  It leaves them susceptible to the elements far more than deciduous trees.  Besides loosing moisture, columnar evergreens can be damaged in form by the heavy snows. Columnar evergreens tend to catch snow just inside their branches causing them to bend outward and look disfigured …

Winter-Kill, Evergreen Winter Damage

Evergreens are still susceptible to drought and wind damage through the winter months when wind is high and precipitation can be low.  Trying to protect them from winter-kill/injury is very difficult to completely prevent. We recommend a couple things to help protect from the cold-drying winter winds: 1) Apply a coat of anti-transpirant to the leaves/needles during mid to late …

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw