Frugal & Fancy – overwintering annual displays

Most avid gardeners want to make plants (of any kind) last as long as they can.  They hate to see plants being thrown out because the summer is over or frost is coming.  What can you do then to save the plants and maybe save a few bucks?

You can bring your annuals or tropical plants indoors, but plants do need to go through cycles including a dormant period. This may include dropping leaves and blooms for a survival mode. Most containers have lots of sun loving plants in them and to decrease that will push it into decline or dormancy. If you can provide the same environment indoors that it has outside (plenty of sunshine, heat and moisture) you will have better results. Either way it will have a transition period adjusting to the new environment you have given it. If it seems worth it, or you just want to try something new…go for it!g

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw