Watering Woes

Sometimes we see evergreen dies during a year when there is plenty of rain. For the average joe, this can be baffling.  There seems to be plenty of water – so why would anything die? Any time you have a problem with plants you must evaluate the entire plant and it’s environment. Here are some possible issues that could be …

Design with Intention

Did you know, here at Greelife Gardens we have a fee for design?  We do this because we value the time put into the design process.  It helps give the process direction and purpose behind each piece and portion.  Rain fall and erosion, sun exposure, family use, micro-climates, entertainment needs, grade & elevation are all elements that need to be …

Greenlife Gardens

Dogwood – winter fire

Driving along the interstate highway here in the Midwest you can find the occasional stream of color along the fields and road-side.  Trails of red pop up in the wind breaks as a welcome change from the vast beige colors and snow cover that dominates our landscape in winter.  That pop of red, that ‘winter fire’ color comes form the …

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw