Composting 101

Gardening can be much more fruitful if the right nutrients in your soil.  One popular way to do that is to add compost to the soil you are gardening in.  Home composting bins have gained use in the last several years making it much easier to harvest compost in your own backyard.  For the first time composter the task can …

Greenlife Gardens

Keeping up with the Jones

It is very easy to look at your neighbors yard and begin to compare every piece.  It is even harder NOT to compare when you see the same plant or similar plantings doing better next door.  Stay calm!  That hydrangea may look bigger or brighter or bloom more than yours right NOW, but that may not always be true. Is …

The Law of Zones

There are cold hardy zones set forth across the United States to help gardeners determine what plants can survive as perennials in their area.  Here in Eastern Nebraska we are considered zone 5.  Any zone with a higher number is a warmer climate and lower colder climate for the winter months.  Plants have been categorized according to those zones, identifying …

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw