Pruning pretty portions for proper profile

Although it is tempting to prune your trees in the middle of summer when branches are reaching towards the house or other plantings, try to hold off. Spring is when the tree sets bloom and produces the most growth. Summer gives us plenty of pests that are looking for an easy meal. Fall serves up cool, damp weather and the tree is beginning to go dormant. That leaves Winter. It is at this time, the tree leaves are gone and it is not only easier to decide what to prune, but it is also the least threatening to the plant. In the northern hemisphere it gets cold enough that pests are absent and any pruning done still gives the tree time to seal its cut before they appear, or damp weather can penetrate them too much. Winter dormancy allows us to see damage, crossing, potential structure problems and form much easier.  Is it the only time to prune? No. If a tree is close to causing damage or being damaged pruning is necessary, but the BEST time is in mid-late winter.g

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw