Mulch it Good

One thing we can all agree on is that a landscape bed should be mulched.  What type of mulch makes a great deal of difference.

A. Rock mulch should always have fabric under it to keep it from settling into the surface over time. That guarantees that over time the weeds will grab hold of that fabric and be extremely difficult to remove entirely.

B. Rubber mulch is very light and does not seem to condense much leaving open space for weeds and susceptibility to being blown away more. It can also heat up the surface, but does not hold much water or break down returning nutrients to the soil.

C. Wood mulch condenses as it decomposes to create a barrier that helps keep weeds out, stays put if not too finely cut, and allows weeds to be pulled out easily.  It keeps things warm and moist longer must be reapplied to help keep the recommended 3 inch depth. It does not however, attract termites as suspected.

Each can serve a purpose.  What you need most can determine what’s best.g

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw