Stakes, posts, and arbor ties…oh my

When staking a tree, there are a few things to consider in order to make a wise decision. Here in Nebraska we can get some pretty strong winds so the location of the tree is an important factor. If it is going to get hit constantly with strong winds from the north, it might be necessary for the first few months until it gets roots going. Keep in mind that to a point the wind is important for strong development of the tree. That resistance encourages the tree to gorw strong roots anchoring it and strong wood to withstand weather down the road. If you stake a tree automatically it meets less resistance and does not feel the need to develop strong wood. The stake and tie itself can also cause damage to the bark, sometimes weakening that point in the tree. In extreme cases the tree will grow completely around the tie and choke itself out. Overall it is better to leave the tree alone unless the environment threatens to be too much for the tree.g

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw