Greenlife Gardens

Disease & Insects – Scale

SCALE:  a small insect with a protective shield-like scale. It spends most of its life attached by its mouth to a single plant, sometimes occurring in such large numbers that it becomes a serious pest.

Scale is an insect that comes in many varieties. Some develop soft shells and others hard or armored shells. If it is grey and on your dogwood it is most likely armored scale. Depending on the type of armored scale and weather they can go through multiple generations in a season. A more complete approach attacks both the adult and hatched stages of the insect. Insecticidal soaps and horticulture oils are both needed to help eliminate the scale. The worst stems infected should be pruned out and disposed or burned, not composted. Usually a spring, mid-summer and fall application of insecticides is most helpful, but ALWAYS read the instructions when using chemicals and follow directions closely.g

Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw