Greenlife Gardens

Fuzzy Apples???

High moisture in any year will result in an increase in fungus and mold.  Mushrooms will pop up more prominently. Slim molds begin to show up on the surface of mulched beds.  Even trees are affected.  Cedar apple rust in particular shows up on Crabapples, Hawthorns, ornamental Pear trees and regular fruit trees.  This fungus grows in bright orange stacks making the fruit look hairy or fuzzy.  Once the tree has rust it is hard to get rid of and can more easily return if any of the spores are left over for the next year on fallen leaves or fruit laying on the ground.

The key to helping to prevent the return of a fungus is two fold.
– A preventative fungicide can be applied in the spring before the tree blossoms turn to fruit.
– Be sure any remaining leaves or branches from the previous year have been discarded as rubbish, NOT in your compost bin or left on the ground to infect the surrounding soil.

There is no guarantee to disease control due to uncontrollable environmental factors, but these steps can help considerably.


Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw
Andrea Shaw